Papua New Guinea's parliamentarians have many different ways that they can use their mandates and positions as national leaders to advocate for better GBV and SARV prevention and crisis responses across the country. In their role as Governors and District MPs, Members can also use their Services Improvement Program (SIP) funds at provincial and district levels to fund efforts to address GBV and SARV. The activities on this page include work supported by Members of Parliament, and also captures relevant GBV programmes being implemented by national and provincial level governments.
Parliamentary Committee on GEWE
This Permanent Committee was established in November 2022 by the 11th Parliament. It has 7 members and is chaired by Governor Powes Parkop.
National GBV Summit 2020
From 8-10 November 2020, more than 800 stakeholders came together, under the auspices of the Coalition, for the first ever National GBV Summit
Special Parliamentary Committee on GBV
This Committee was established in 2020 by the 10th Parliament but was an ad hoc Committee. During its term, it held two hearings & produced two reports.
Provincial GBV activities
A handful of Provinces have their own Provincial GBV Strategies and Secretariats. The Coalition is committed to supporting similar strategies across the country.
Coalition of Paliamentarians to End GBV
The Coalition supports the work of national and provincial GBV partners, but Members also work together and separately to drive their own activities to address GBV.
Promoting women in parliament
The Coalition is committed to supporting more women in the National Parliament. The Coalition supports reserved seats for women.